PNI Australia (Psychoneuroimmunology)


Intuition differs from the intellect. Intellect is critical, linear, and can make things appear simple or complex.

The right brain is popularly associated with intuition, innovation and creativity. In most people the left brain takes control, choosing logic, reasoning and details over imagination and holistic thinking.

Intuition can be described as an emotion but it is simulated by our innate knowingness.  Emotions are often forceful and wanting something and we can often identify the feeling attached to the emotion. True intuitions would never put us down or support destructive attitudes and behaviours.

Intuitive thoughts and feelings are not forceful and wanting but convey information neutrally, unemotionally, with a quite knowingness. It is the ability to sense or know something without reasoning.

Imagination and Intuition - Anxiety

A meditative state of mind allows conscious access into the unconscious mind.

It is through our imagination that our intuition can be seen.

Access to our intuition is available to all of us.

Jung defined intuition as "perception via the unconscious".

Trusting that our imagination is a communication tool for our foreknowledge and discernment allows us to pro-actively seek knowledge and understanding from an area of ourselves which may have been previously and inappropriately viewed as unreliable, fantasy or delusional.

Although our imagination allows our intuition to be seen, the thoughts and images perceived may form beliefs that we cannot necessarily justify.

When the unconscious becomes conscious this is instinct plus cognitive consideration; we believe it makes sense but may be unable to express why.

Mantra Meditation

According to Mayo Clinic

The mantra meditation technique is a great calming meditation method. During mantra meditation, you mentally (silently) repeat a calming word or mantra. The repetition of the mantra will replace all busy thoughts and help you shut out the outside world, thus calming your mind and body. The Mayo Clinic adds that transcendental meditation is another specific calming mantra meditation technique that can be effectively used to relax.

View Meditation - Anxiety 

The "Inner Consciousness" is always present.

Our body is always responding to whatever we are imagining at every given moment. It never ceases to be and is at the background of whatever happens in life.

To enable our inner consciousness to be predominately present we need to relax and do something rhythmic and focus on our breathing. Breathing calmly and deeply enables our thoughts to wander, so our imagination can be fluid.

What we think we feel. We need to ensure we use the imagination in a positive, progressive way.  

When we are forming new conceptual ideas and images of external objects not present to the senses, we are using our imagination.

New imaging technologies have enabled scientists to demonstrate how thoughts and emotions cause distinct neuron-firing patterns within various parts of the brain. These patterns coincide with chemical releases and reactions throughout the body. Another way to express this would be that to the mind the imagination is real and it generates its own hormonal response.

Inner Consciousness - Anxiety.