PNI Australia (Psychoneuroimmunology)


Maintaining a holistic approach to health offers us the opportunity to combine our health care program to achieve a deeper level of wellness. 

To be in alignment with true holistic health and PNI research, we need to ensure that any treatment plan is amalgamated; when we work on the body we need to ensure that the mind is supported and vice versa.

Being part of the PNI Practitioner network enables modalities to work together.

Combined healthcare is the key to personalised wellness. 

There is no one solution to optimal health.

We can focus on recovery, maintaining wellness, or both.


A united focus on health and holistic healthcare move us towards a deeper understanding of other professions/modalities. We can aim to understand how their skills can power up the service that we offer. Uniting in health makes us all stronger and provides the best outcomes for ourselves and others.

Perception and Repression 

Our emotional state is directly affected by how we perceive events in our lives and how we manage stress.

 A toxic mind is a toxic body

It is not only what we put into our bodies that causes toxic overload. What we are thinking and what we are repressing contributes to a negative internal environment, one that is self-generating. 

Generic health solutions need to be personalised.

We need to manage our levels of stress and personal activity in a similar way that we regulate the intake of our food and drink; as we recognise that an excess of either can damage health.

When we take a holistic view of health, we consider the range of intervention modalities that are available to us, while giving due consideration to our innate resources.

Conflict resolution is a healing solution.

When we have cleared up the conflict in our lives, we become emotionally calmer, more relaxed. 


Emotional resolution releases positive energy as it activates a positive hormonal response, but there is another side to this.

Dr Ben Kim provides us with concise and real-life insight into how emotions, when left unattended, can reduce our level of wellness.

'All of my clinical and personal experiences over the years have me convinced that no other factor has more influence over your health.
Not diet, not exercise, not even how much you sleep.'


Why is emotional stress one of the most significant causes of all chronic health challenges?

 Dr Ben Kim 

'Your body cannot defend itself against the damage that emotional stress quietly creates over time.

Your body pays a heavy physiological price for every moment that you feel anxious, tense, frustrated, and angry.'

I'm not suggesting that you should strive never to feel these emotions; anxiety, tension, frustration and anger all serve important purposes when they first arise. The danger is in experiencing these emotions on a chronic basis.'

We can be part of our stress management planning by; 
  • releasing emotional suppression.
  • amalgamating healthcare.
  • maintaining a positive progressive mindset.
  • building a personal portfolio of wellness.
  • connecting with the innate resources that reside within.


When the PNI principles are fully adopted our thoughts, feelings and emotions will be taken into consideration when reviewing our physical health.

When we are in the process of relieving harmful emotional content from the mind physical manipulation is required to complete the emotional release process.