PNI Australia (Psychoneuroimmunology)


Welcome to the Wonderful World of PNI (Psychoneuroimmunology)!

At PNI Australia, we're dedicated to introducing innovative and creative approaches into the public consciousness.  


We advocate for unity in wellness 'holistic' by providing integrating innovative and creative mind-body modalities into healthcare portfolios. 

We promote holistic unity in wellness by offering a fundamental understanding of PNI (Psychoneuroimmunology). This highlights the self-induced wellness benefits of unified, personal, and professional mind-body care. 

Our mission is twofold: to raise awareness of the unifying wellness benefits within the science of PNI and to keep PNI independent.

PNI offers unique wellness initiatives that highlight our innate ability to generate wellness within by seamlessly blending various wellness modalities to calm our nervous system and trigger a life-enhancing chemical response within ourselves, ultimately strengthening immune function.

While our approach is firmly rooted in science, the true beauty of PNI lies in understanding the inseparable connection between the mind and body and our capacity to be innovative and self-creative in ways that enable us to re-create ourselves. By embracing this interconnectedness and actively participating in self-initiated change, individuals can undergo profound and transformative experiences.

We understand that each person's journey is unique, and we encourage individuals to take ownership of their well-being and their capacity to be professionally supported whilst being self-supportive. 

PNI Free Awareness Course

The PNI Awareness course delves into the unity of mind and body care, providing insights into its intrinsic nature, and highlights how we can combine professional care, self-care, and self-efficacy to provide us with a way to enhance our wellness potential.

PNI is for The People

We aim for PNI to remain independent and not be represented by one wellness modality or health establishment. PNI is a multi-functional area of science with many applications and intervention options.  We can do more for ourselves and others emotionally, physically, spiritually, creatively, and energetically. 

Comprehensive Framework

PNI is a comprehensive framework that explores the interconnectedness of various factors impacting our well-being, including thoughts, emotions, behaviours, and physiological responses. It is not meant to be a cure for a specific condition but rather a broader approach to understanding and enhancing overall wellness.

By recognising the complexity and versatility of PNI, we can explore its integration with diverse health and wellness modalities, allowing for a more comprehensive and inclusive approach to promoting well-being for all individuals. Ultimately, PNI is for everyone, emphasising that its principles and insights can benefit all of us in our pursuit of optimal health and wellness. It encourages collaboration and integration with other modalities, recognising that the synergistic effects of combining different approaches can lead to a more comprehensive and practical wellness experience.

By embracing the broad scope of PNI, we can maximise its potential and promote a holistic understanding of wellness that extends beyond specific illnesses or interventions.

Robert M. Hutchins. 'It must be remembered that the purpose of education is not to fill the minds of students with facts... it is to teach them to think. 


Whatever you seek, keep your self-development upbeat and live-enhancing.    

PNI Awareness

The science of 'PNI’ reminds us to be aware of ourselves: our perception of the world, our preoccupations, and the interrelated pathways of pathology that govern us.

PNI Australia

PNI Australia highlights the benefits of integrating the principles of PNI into a range of wellness and health modalities whilst drawing attention to each individual's capacity to self-generate wellness.


Join us in creating human connection by embracing the inherent healing and wellness within ourselves. 

PNI course content is provided under the headings: 'Free PNI Course' 

After reading the information on this site, you can take the PNI Awareness Test and download your PNI Awareness Certificate

  • Be passionate about PNI
  • Enjoy learning about the science of wellness
  • Add PNI Awareness to your range of skills
  • Gain your PNI Awareness Certificate 
  • Build your business by combining mind-body care
  • Relay practical, useable wellness information 
  • Help others to self-generate wellness 
  • Be innovative 
  • Self-creative



1. The PNI Course Information is Free.

Read the information in the sections'Free PNI Course' P1 + P2 

2.  Reduced Cost Learning Certificate

To purchase the PNI Awareness Certification, follow the steps in the 'Certification' section.

On successful completion of the test, you will be able to download your PNI Awareness Certificate. 

An awareness of PNI can deliver significantly improved outcomes within a vast range of modalities, such as:

  • Alternative and Complementary Medicine 
  • Bibliotherapy (Book Therapy) 
  • Chiropractic Care
  • Counselling
  • Expressive Arts Therapy
  • Fitness Coaching
  • Hypnotherapy 
  • Life Coaching
  • NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)
  • Nutrition
  • Pilates 
  • Self-Development 
  • Wellness Coaching 
  • Yoga
  • and many other modalities 

Attain your PNI Awareness Certification today.

Further information is provided in the PNI Awareness Certification section, highlighted in the link above. 

Be Visible

Be Part of the Science of PNI 



That sounds like an exciting and holistic approach to wellness! Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) is a fascinating field exploring the connection between the mind, nervous, and immune systems. Individuals can take proactive steps to improve their well-being by understanding this intricate relationship. It's great to see organisations like PNI Australia promoting awareness of PNI and offering innovative wellness solutions.

By blending various modalities and techniques, individuals can tap into their body's natural ability to heal and thrive. 

Keep up the fantastic work in spreading awareness and providing creative wellness initiatives!


The content on this eduactional site effectively communicates the comprehensive nature of Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) and its role in promoting overall well-being. It emphasises that PNI is not a cure for specific conditions but rather a framework for understanding and enhancing wellness on multiple levels.

By including the interconnectedness of various factors, such as thoughts, emotions, behaviours, and physiological responses, highlights the holistic approach of PNI. Additionally, stressing the importance of collaboration and integration with other wellness modalities reinforces the idea that PNI can complement and enhance existing approaches to health and wellness. Overall, this content provides a clear and simplified overview of PNI, encouraging individuals to explore its potential and integrate its principles into their pursuit of optimal wellness. 



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Julia Telling:  PNI Holistic Wellness Guide 

PNI Australia Content Creator and Secretary


A Common Human Purpose

Unity in Wellness 


ThePNI Awareness Course was established in 2014 as a guide to holistic wellness, and it continues to raise awareness of the practical life-enhancing advantages of psychoneuroimmunology and the evolving field of holistic interventions designed to self-induce wellness. 

The PNI Awareness Test and Learning Certificate was established so individuals could show what they learned and use this website to understand the benefits of PNI in a way that facilitates our capacity to self-induce wellness by being professionally supported and self-supportive. 

Belief is our treatment plan is one step. 

Belief in our capacity to generate wellness within ourselves is another. 



PNI is now Popular! 

Thegrowing popularity of the PNI can be attributed to the promotion skills of our certification holders, who add Practical PNI to their range of health and wellness qualifications and skills, and the substantial influential work of Dr Joe Dispenza and Bruce Lipton (to name 2), who now promote the holistic benefits PNI. 

Practical PNI 

Breaking down extensive science into practical principles of PNI for personal development and application highlights how individuals can independently benefit from PNI by focusing on the informtion can serve as a pathway for understanding the intricate co-dependent nature of the mind-body and how combining modalities; professional care, self-care, and self-efficacy can enhance our well-being.  

PNI Independence   

To avoid over-associating Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) with any specific illness or intervention technique, regardless of its success.

PNI is inherently holistic and encompasses the intricate interactions between the mind, the nervous system, and the immune system.

By limiting its application to a singular modality or illness, we risk narrowing down the potential benefits and opportunities for wellness that PNI offers.

Within the content on this site I have focused on the personal development life-enhancing aspects that are continuously evolving in science.

Learning Certificate

You can test your understanding of PNI by reading the course content, taking the PNI Test, and receiving yourPNI Awareness Certificate. 

PNI Implementation 

PNI belongs to the people.

It is how we apply scientific information that makes the difference.

PNI can be integrated into various professions without losing its independent status. 





We welcome submissions of content by professionals in the health and wellness sectors.

The PNI Australia website holds the course information for the PNI Awareness Certification.

Certification holders can register businesses on the site and submit submissions for consideration.All published content will contain the author's name.

With your submission, please include your full name and occupation.

For more information, 'contact us' 

Complete Chiropractic

Dr. Hooman Zahedi, an esteemed chiropractor based in Australia, is renowned for his pioneering work in introducing the Advanced Biostructural Correction (ABC)™ technique to the country. Operating from his renowned clinic, Complete Chiropractic.

Not Overlooking Emotional Triggers

Julia Telling, an expert in the personal development aspects of PNI, focuses on the importance of not overlooking the emotional triggers that may be activated through physical manipulations of the body. Recognising and addressing these emotional-physical triggers is central to achieving emotional relief and elevating physical wellness.

After working with Julia through her personal development program PNI 'Lifespace' Dr. Zahedi recognised the importance of psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) in enhancing the effectiveness of chiropractic care. To that end, he collaborated with Julia, a skilled PNI practitioner, to provide comprehensive PNI training for his staff and the general public. These PNI presentations proved a resounding success and equipped individuals with a deeper understanding of the natural emotional responses that can manifest during chiropractic treatments.


Supportive Attitude

With encouragement from Dr Zahedi, Julia wrote a PNI course. She set up PNI Australia to advocate for a comprehensive approach to wellness that considers the intricate relationship between the mind and the body in all aspects of personal and professional care. The course was uploaded to the general public for free via the PNI Australia website in 2014. 



In a welcoming and inclusive gesture, Julia and Dr Hooman Zahedi sincerely invite health and wellness professionals to embark on the journey of obtaining their PNI Awareness Certification. This certificate is a valuable foundation for initiating meaningful dialogues with clients, emphasising the importance of harmonising professional care to ensure that the mind and body are seen as interconnected aspects of well-being rather than isolated elements within separate care modalities.


PNI Awareness Certification

Through this certification, professionals can gain the additional practical knowledge necessary to foster a holistic approach to health, recognising the profound impact of emotions and mental well-being on physical health and vice versa. This initiative reflects their commitment to enhancing overall well-being by promoting a more comprehensive understanding of the intricate relationship between body and mind. 



Dr. Zahedi is the author of 'Straight Forward' and, together with his dedicated team, has long embraced a holistic approach to healthcare, emphasising the interconnectedness of the mind and body.